You may have received an invitation to take part in an Inter-Club competition. You will find a link in the invitation, what happens next depends on whether or not you have an account.
If you do not have an account or are logged out then clicking on the link will take you to the login page. Either log in or register as a new user (there is a link under the 'Log In' button).
Registering follows the normal pattern, fill in the registration page and click register. You will be sent an email containing a link which you have to click to confirm your account. If the email doesn't appear in your inbox, check your Junk emails. If you don't receive that email use the contact form giving your email address and one will be sent to you by a human being. Delivering email from a website is hard, and some email providers (hotmail and in particular) block emails from this site. Once you have clicked on the link you can log in.

Now you are logged in click the link in your invitation email again, this time you will be taken to the image upload page.

Choose the image file first. You then have to enter the author fields. The system needs a unique key to identify each author and their email address is used for this (it is not used for any other purpose). Please enter the email address carefully.
When you click 'Add Entry' the image will be uploaded and checked for compliance. The image title and author are expected to be in the image metadata and the image to be of the dimensions shown under the 'Image File' field.
If the image complies you will be shown the confirmation page.

Check the title, change it if it is incorrect, and click 'Confirm Entry'. You also have the option to cancel and start again.
You will now be back on the image entry page.
If an image fails the upload checks you will be taken to this page.

In this case the image size in incorrect and the title and author image data is missing. You now have a choice, correct the image yourself or allow the system to fix it for you. 'Try Again' take you back to the upload page, 'Fix It' makes the necessary corrections and take you to the confirmation page.